Dry Erase Board Quotes


Dry Erase Board Quotes for the week of April 27, 2019 -  May 3, 2019


Have you seen the dry erase board quotes this week?  Thank you Tracey for finding these quotes on Pintrest! We love a good laugh when we visit Dr. Cowart.


Treatment Room 1:  "Thank goodness I don't have to hunt for my own food.  I don't even know where tacos live".


Treatment Room 2:  I hate going to Target.  I don't understand how $5 + $3 + $1 + $6 + $2 + $9 = $187.53."


Treatment Room 3:  "Do you ever feel like your body's 'check engine' light has been on and you're still driving it like 'nah, it'll be fine'."?